Nina joined my pottery studio when my raku-fired fish was newly hatched. During the years we worked together, we saw the fish through many stages of development. We’ve lost count of the many, many fish we made together over good conversation and genuine friendship. When I left pottery to care for my elderly father, it was only natural that Nina would carry the fish on and into the future. I’m so pleased that Nina has done an amazing job with the fish.
Nina “gets” my vision of Happy Raku Fish. From their early beginnings, on that late night in July 1986 when the first fish literally squeezed from my hands and flopped to life on my potters wheel, the fish made me laugh. That is their sole purpose. Neither I nor Nina has any desire to make ugly, scary, or odd fish. Our goal was, and is, always to cause smiles, giggles, and the occasional surprised, shrieking laugh.
I am grateful for my many customers who, over time, have felt compelled to search me out to tell me how one of my fish brightened their day. I’ve shared tears of sadness and joy with my customers who witnessed these little guys emotionally touch them, or someone close to them.
When you see raku-fired pottery fish for sale at craft fairs, in shops or on the Internet, please know that Nina’s fish are the original– passed from my hands to hers with love and appreciation for her many years of dedication to my vision.
Nina Fernstrom-Duong and Sharon Murphy Harrison